
Local Transport Plan 5 initial engagement

Date of Meeting:

22nd June 2021

Report of:

Executive Director Economy, Environment & Culture

Contact Officer:


Andrew Renaut


01273 292477



Ward(s) affected:








1.1         This report will provide an update on the development of the fifth Local Transport Plan (LTP5) and seek approval of the proposed 2030 transport vision, key outcomes and principles, and to commence engagement and public consultation in late summer on the priority areas and emerging proposed interventions, as set out in the ‘Developing a new Transport Plan for Brighton & Hove’ consultation document (attached as Appendix 1).


2.         RECOMMENDATIONS:    


2.1         That the Committee approve the 2030 transport vision for the Local Transport Plan 5 (set out in paragraph 3.4 below)


2.2         That the Committee approve the Local Transport Plan 5 key outcomes (set out in paragraph 3.5 below)


2.3         That the Committee approve the Local Transport Plan 5 key principles (set out in paragraph 3.6 below)


2.4         That the Committee agree that engagement and public consultation is undertaken on the priority areas and emerging proposed interventions, as set out in the ‘Developing a new Transport Plan for Brighton & Hove’ consultation document (attached as Appendix 1)


2.5         That the Committee note the indicative programme to completion of Local Transport Plan 5 (set out in paragraph 3.9 below)




3.1         The Local Transport Plan (LTP) is a statutory document setting out the strategy for the management, maintenance and improvement of the city’s transport network. It identifies the priorities and projects required to help people move around the city more safely, sustainably, and easily. LTP5 will replace the current LTP4 (adopted in 2015), and will set out a transport strategy to 2030 and summary delivery plan. The development of the new LTP for the city will build on LTP4, and the success of schemes and measures that have been delivered. 


3.2         LTP5 is one of the identified actions to support delivery of a carbon neutral city by 2030 and will have an important role in supporting the recovery of the city from the Covid-19 pandemic.


3.3         A LTP5 ‘direction of travel’ consultation document has been prepared and is attached as Appendix 1. Developing a new Transport Plan for Brighton & Hove includes:

·         Socio-economic and transport and travel trends in the city

·         Challenges relevant to transport and travel along with opportunities for a more inclusive, healthier and safer city

·         The role of transport and travel in tackling the Climate Emergency and supporting the city’s recovery from the pandemic, highlighting key recommendations of the Climate Assembly in autumn 2020

·         Examples of how the council has successfully worked with partners during recent years to improve travel options for residents and visitors, and how these are improving quality of life and supporting local businesses

·         The proposed 2030 transport vision, key outcomes and principles, and priority areas and emerging proposed interventions


3.4         The proposed 2030 transport vision for the city is:

            ‘Better connected residents, businesses and visitors, for an improved quality of life in a healthy, inclusive and carbon neutral city.’


3.5         The proposed six key outcomes of LTP5 are:

·         A sustainable, strong and fair economy, where everyone has affordable access to education and employment opportunities, and benefits from a growing, open, talented, fair, and sustainable city

·         Safe, healthy and welcoming streets and neighbourhoods, where everyone feels confident however they travel, and our streets and local centres become vibrant places to enjoy, relax and socialise

·         An accessible city with a transport network that everyone can use, where affordable door-to-door journeys, especially for disabled people and residents living in suburban areas, can be made with ease and certainty

·         Improved air quality to safeguard the health of our communities, where the way we travel will ensure that people have the best opportunity to live a healthy, happy and fulfilling life

·         Reduced carbon emissions to protect our global environment, and contribute to reaching our 2030 carbon neutral target

·         Travel that respects our local environment, by minimising the impact of transport on our natural, built and historic environment


3.6         Three key principles have been proposed to inform the development of the LTP5 priority areas:

·         Reduce the need to travel – avoiding or reducing the frequency and length of trips we make by vehicles

·         Shift how people travel – prioritising walking and cycling for shorter journeys, and public transport for longer journeys

·         Clean vehicle travel – vehicle travel to be low or zero emission, powered by renewable energy sources


3.7         In support of the proposed three key principles, there are six priority areas:

·         Create an inclusive and integrated transport system

·         Develop streets and places that encourage and enable active travel

·         Increase public transport use

·         Reduce car use

·         Promote and facilitate the use of low and zero emission vehicles

·         Promote and use technology to reduce and manage travel


3.8         A set of emerging proposed interventions are outlined in the consultation document for each of the priority areas, many of which are already in place or under development in the city. These will be the focus of the engagement and public consultation commencing in late summer and can be found on pages 36-38 of Appendix 1.


3.9         Following the engagement and public consultation exercise, the draft LTP5 documents (including the Equality Impact Assessment) will be prepared ahead of a formal public consultation during winter 2021/22. It is currently anticipated that the final LTP5 will be approved by committee in spring 2022.




4.1         Local highway authorities have a statutory requirement to have a LTP. It needs to be consistent with, and will help to deliver, other citywide strategies, including the City Plan and 2030 Carbon Neutral Programme. It therefore needs to be up to date and include approaches to delivering transport improvements which will successfully help to address existing and forecast challenges, and grasp opportunities, in the city.




5.1         Effective and inclusive community and stakeholder engagement is essential for the delivery of a successful LTP5. This will depend on securing buy-in and support from all those affected by the plan, including residents, visitors, businesses, and local community and interest groups including equality and inclusion groups. Development of the proposed vision and outcomes has drawn on initial discussions with some partners, including members of the Transport Partnership.


5.2         The focus of the initial engagement and consultation exercise commencing in late summer will be to seek feedback on the priorities and emerging proposed interventions, welcoming suggested additional interventions. It will also seek to identify attitudes and concerns, and travel patterns (including changes since before the pandemic), drawing on relevant feedback to the Active Travel Fund tranche 2 scheme proposals, which will be reported to this committee as a special meeting in July 2021.


5.3         The online materials and survey (printed version available on request) will be supplemented with online engagement activities to take place with a wide range of stakeholders including:

·         Citywide Partnerships – Transport Partnership, City Management Board, Economic Partnership, Equality and Inclusion Partnership, Active and Inclusive Travel Forum

·         Other Equality and Inclusion groups representing disabled people, older and young people, and members of BME communities

·         Citywide community groups including interest/user groups, Local Action Teams

·         External stakeholders including neighbouring authorities, Highways England, Network Rail


5.4         Feedback from this initial LTP5 engagement and consultation will be used to inform the development of the more detailed draft LTP5 document, ahead of a formal public consultation exercise during winter 2021/22.


6.         CONCLUSION


6.1         This report presents the emerging work on LTP5 and seeks approval of the proposed 2030 transport vision, key outcomes and principles, and to commence engagement and public consultation in late summer on the priority areas and emerging proposed interventions, as set out in the ‘Developing a new Transport Plan for Brighton & Hove’ consultation document (attached as Appendix 1). The outcome of this initial LTP5 engagement will inform the development of the draft LTP5 documents for consultation later this year.




Financial Implications:


7.1         Transport improvements in the city, including maintenance of the existing network, are funded mainly by a combination of central government grants, national and regional funds (dependent on successful bids), including Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) funding, capital borrowing financed through the revenue budget, surplus parking revenues, contributions from developers including Section 106 contributions, and investment by local bus, rail and other transport providers.


7.2         There will also be opportunities to draw on the council’s 2021/22 Sustainability and Carbon Reduction Investment Fund (SCRIF) and Climate Assembly Action Capital Investment Fund (CAACIF) to provide capital funding for transport projects.


7.3         The LTP process provides future levels of Local Transport capital funding from the Government which will be invested to deliver transport improvements in the city. The LTP process is the council’s primary source of annual capital funding for investment in transport infrastructure, providing between £4.5m to £6.0m per annum which is split between Highways Maintenance and Integrated/Sustainable Transport schemes. The 2021/22 LTP capital programme was approved by Policy & Resources committee in March 2021.


7.4         The planned consultation and engagement for LTP5 will be covered by existing revenue budgets.


            Finance Officer Consulted: Rob Allen                                          Date: 25/05/21



Legal Implications:


7.5         The Transport Act 2000, as subsequently amended by the Local Transport Act 2008, introduced a statutory requirement for local transport authorities to consult on and produce a LTP, to keep the LTP under review and to alter the LTP if considered appropriate. The LTP can be replaced when the local transport authority deems appropriate. The LTP will be considered and adopted by Full Council.


            Lawyer Consulted: Hilary Woodward                                           Date: 25/05/21


            Equalities Implications:


7.6         Many residents currently face barriers to accessing education, health and employment. LTP5 will support in creating an inclusive, liveable city for everyone including disabled people, those on low incomes, vulnerable residents and young people, who are often the ones most affected by a lack of available public transport, high costs of travel and poor air quality.


7.7         The key outcomes for LTP5 include an accessible city with a transport network that everyone can use, where affordable door-to-door journeys for disabled people and residents living in suburban areas, can be made with ease and certainty. Many of the proposed interventions set out will support the delivery of this outcome, including those under the ‘Create an inclusive and integrated transport system’ priority area.


7.8         The following related points are noted:

·         LTP5 will seek to improve travel options for residents and visitors without access to a car, who are more likely to be lone parents, on low incomes, from disadvantaged communities, members of BME communities or disabled people

·         Walking, cycling and public transport are options for the majority of residents and visitors, unlike private vehicle journeys

·         Residents living in deprived communities are more likely to suffer more from poor air quality in the city

·         Equality Impact Assessments, including considerations of access and affordability, would be required during the development of interventions included in LTP5


7.9         The ‘direction of travel’ document does not require an Equality Impact Assessment, however an overarching one will be undertaken to inform the development of the draft LTP5 document and will be shared during the formal consultation on this during winter 2021/22.


            Sustainability Implications:


7.10      The proposed LTP5 principles and priority areas as set out in the ‘direction of travel’ document support carbon reduction, improving health and air quality, and strengthening active and sustainable transport connectivity. The full set of interventions would improve sustainable travel options, including opportunities to reallocate road space in the city centre to walking and cycling. This, along with the encouragement of cleaner low emission vehicles, will help the city to become carbon neutral by 2030.


Brexit Implications:


7.11      No Brexit implications have been identified to date; this will be kept under review in line with the emergence of government strategy and related guidance.


Any Other Significant Implications


            Crime & Disorder Implications:


7.12      There are no direct implications arising from the development of LTP5. Key proposed outcomes of LTP5 include improved highway and personal safety: the emerging proposed interventions as set out in the ‘direction of travel’ document would contribute to improving road safety and personal security and, wherever possible, they would seek to support the aims and priorities of the council’s Community Safety and Crime Reduction Strategy, especially in helping to deliver measures that improve the physical environment, ensure communities are stronger, and help people feel safer. Improvements are expected to include interventions that improve public spaces and streets so that people feel safer, while discouraging crime and anti-social behaviour.


            Risk and OpportunityManagement Implications:


7.13      Risks and opportunities will be considered as part of further development of LTP5 interventions.


            Public Health Implications:


7.14      Transport and travel are critical to delivering the city’s public health objectives as they contribute significantly to some of today‘s greatest challenges to public health, including road traffic injuries, physical inactivity, the adverse effect of traffic on social cohesiveness and the impact on outdoor air and noise pollution.


7.15      Key outcomes of LTP5 set out in the ‘direction of travel’ document include improved health and air quality. The emerging proposed interventions would help address the challenges through reducing the length or number of some vehicle trips, encouraging and enabling an increase in levels of active travel (for all or part of the journey) and a shift to the use of cleaner vehicles. LTP5 will help to improve air quality by reducing harmful emissions if people and deliveries switch from motorised transport or to cleaner vehicles. This will help deliver the objectives and actions set out in the council’s Air Quality Action Plan, such as enabling greater use of alternatives to the car for some journeys. Creating less dangerous and more attractive environments, through for example public realm schemes, will improve individual and community health and quality of life, and contribute to the wider objectives of the Joint (council/NHS) Health and Wellbeing Strategy.



Corporate / Citywide Implications:


7.16      LTP5 will help support the city’s recovery from Covid-19, wider planned economic growth, the visitor economy, social development and environmental enhancement. It will support in delivering the council’s 2030 Carbon Neutral Programme, along with the Corporate Plan, the City Plan, and the Visitor Economic Strategy. The projects would also support the five-year strategic priorities and GB10 pledges of the Greater Brighton City Region.







1.         ‘Developing a new Transport Plan for Brighton & Hove’ consultation document (Draft June 2021)


Background Documents

